Freedom from food? Are you kidding me?
You would have never convinced me 5 years ago that I would find freedom in the thing I felt most chained to. The thought of food consumed me. I thought about food the moment my eyes opened in the morning and I fought cravings until I drifted off to sleep each night.
I’d awake to the thought, “I’m going to stick to my diet today”, but by 10:00 a.m….I had already blown it. I would restrict my calorie intake so much that I was deprived and I was telling myself no all day which did not help the situation. Then add on the feelings of failure, guilt and shame and by the end of the day I was totally defeated and hopeless.
Sound familiar?
My relationship with food was so dysfunctional. Saying that I viewed food as evil, is an understatement. I dreaded going to parties, because I would be faced with so many food choices and the urge to overeat. So, I withdrew socially. It got to the point that even when I made healthy choices I still associated the act of eating with guilt.
So what changed? I decided something had to give. I wanted to be healthier and free. I wanted to set a healthier example for my daughter so she did not have to endure the same life of dieting, deprivation and shame that I did. I began working with a coach and actually putting in the painful emotional work toward healing.

The relationship I have with food now is a joy! I have ditched diets for good and there is so much FREEDOM in that. If this post feels a little too close for comfort, then I ask you to start to embrace food for the nourishment and gifts it has to give you. Find a coach who has been there and who has walked the path before you. That’s why I founded Nourished Life Now. There is love and light and a path to freedom. You just have to be willing to start the journey!
In Health and Wellness,
Coach D
Danielle Luipersbeck